My Self Reliance Podcast

08 Cabin Life: From Missed Bucks to Cook Stoves

Shawn James Season 1 Episode 8

Ever had that one rookie mistake that completely changed the course of your day? That's what I experienced while bow hunting - a single error cost me a buck. Trust me, you're going to want to hear this story and learn from my blunders. In the same vein, we'll also explore some key pointers about hunting, like understanding the rut season, deer behavior, and why staying scent-free is crucial.

Moving away from the great outdoors to the cozy indoors, I'll walk you through my latest project of replacing my old stove with a cook stove. It's about more than just aesthetics - it's an efficiency and practicality game changer. Plus, we'll navigate our way through the process of installing and comparing stoves of different origins. Discover how factors like the size of the pipe and window can drastically impact a stove’s performance, and why I opted for a stove with a smaller window size. Hang on tight for an episode that is a blend of tales from the wilderness, practical homesteading advice, and intriguing personal experiences.

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Speaker 1:

So one last day here to bow hunt for me and then I'll start rifle hunting. We got that one small buck from my wife and I went out last week. I'm hoping to get a more mature buck here this week, either during rifle season or today. Ideal conditions actually. Later today, not so much this morning. I'm just going to kind of sneak around into one of my favorite spots here this morning. This north wind, but it's sort of a west wind right now, but it's too strong and it's still raining a little bit to go to stop. Probably a stop until we get out there. But it's too windy for them to really be moving in vulnerable spots. So not high expectations this morning. But this afternoon the wind switches straight out of the north. Temperature drops seven or eight degrees Celsius down to below zero while freezing, and strong wind that then dies down right at the end of the day. Perfect hunting time. So might be ideal. See, that was a eight point or nine point buck seems to be now coming around. So chasing the doe is because they're about to come into heat this week. So perfect conditions. They're going to put in a real effort trying to get that other deer and then maybe get Emily here, or Emily and her boyfriend, and see if they can fill some tags too. I'll see. I'm not sure. Anyway, let's give this shot. See what I see.

Speaker 1:

This morning Made a horrible mistake, oh man, I knew better than the sneaky red spot in the morning. I should have gone out further and closer the bedding areas on a trail that they're just going to walk quickly through and not be on higher as high alert Snuck in 15 minutes, probably after legal, shoot my gosh, it was probably sunrise and got within 80-90 yards, or well, I got within 90 yards of where I thought they would be, but 70 yards, not even 50 yards, let's say, from my tree stand. I was going to sit in this morning and the wind was pretty good, like well, it was good West wind, pretty strong. So I'm walking in towards this spot here and I get to here and then I hear snorting from a doe over here, down, straight down wind of me kind of not far, like, like I don't know, 75 yards behind the cabin here. So not where expected them to come out in the morning, especially going down wind away from the feeding area. So anyway, that was bad enough. I sat perfectly still and had one of them there's two had one walk within 15 yards of me and just sat there staring at me trying to figure out what I was. I had full camouflage so didn't see what I was, didn't quite figure it out. But the other one was getting my wind so it kept snorting. So they ended up walking off. Anyway, that was bad enough.

Speaker 1:

I crawled another 25-30 yards and got into position. Not even it, not I didn't get into final position. I got into a position where I could probably get up and shoot from behind a tree. But it's not where, it was not quite where I was headed to. But I had to stop there because I heard something 75 yards ahead of me up in a clearing and I could see some legs walk through. So I stopped, tried to readjust to get into a position where I could get up on my knees into a upright kind of crouch position to shoot. And it must have hurt or seen me because I didn't see what was going on with it. But five minutes later it snorted and took off and the wind checked the wind with my flower cornstarch so they keep a little bottle and sprayed that in the air. And it was still headed in the right direction, so I don't think it's possible that it could have sent to me. So he must have seen me frustrating man.

Speaker 1:

The problem is that's where I was going to hunt tonight, with a perfect wind, and you could actually get up in my tree stand and wait for them to come in. So, mistake, blowing out three deer. That's the majority of them. So likelihood of now seeing something tonight is very low. Should have just stayed out. Just got some work done, a big job today, moving the stove. Should have just concentrated on doing that. I'm not taking a chance. Oh, it's so amateur. Get to work, get something done today, accomplish something productive and exciting, meaningful, whatever rewarding. I hate doing that. These deer are very not used to people here at all, so they're very wary of any kind of human scent. So the fact that I did that might turn them off or keep them out of the area for a while, between the wolves that chased them off the other day and then me keeping Callie in the cabin so she's not over there spooking them at least. But anyway, getting my scent like that is not good. The buck that saw me, I think, is a decent eight or nine point debris is I've had on camera in a couple spots seems just the biggest buck I've seen on camera this year actually, which is disappointing too should be more mature bucks. The rut really kicking in this week or next well, this week probably, and actually the fact that he was there still during daily probably means they're kicking into higher gear, so that'll bring in other bucks. Hopefully.

Speaker 1:

If I didn't scare the doles off, I'm gonna let this stove die down, going back out hunting this evening. So I'm gonna try to get this done as quickly as possible so that I have heat back in here for the night so I can stay here all week hunting and really focus on getting some more meat and freezer. Taking this thing out and putting in a cook stove because I like it does a great job for heating the place does a mediocre job for cooking, reason being that this is a big solid surface that all heats up but it's not as hot as a direct flame, and I mentioned this, I think, in another video where when you have, like when I'm making maple syrup, if I put it on a surface like this, can't really get a hard boil, can't get it to really boil off when I'm talking about putting it on a stove outside, but if there's open flame hitting the bottom of that, that pan or or or big bucket, if that open flame hits that, then boils much more rapidly, much harder. So proper cook stove, like the one I have out in the outdoor kitchen, has plates that you can remove so that the direct heat, the pan or pot, is getting direct heat. So that's what I'm switching this out for a cook stove. No, we can cook outside, but when it's minus 20 or 30 It'd be better if we could cook inside here around. So half the year up here is indoor fires. It's also doesn't really make sense to have a fire burning all the time in here and then have to go start another fire outside to cook. It's way more efficient and I'm becoming more aware of the efficiency of the fire would not burn too much of it way more efficient just to use this for heat and cooking, and especially in the morning and if it's not all that cold, because this, once this place warms up, even when it's really cold out, it stays warm. So have to fire this thing up raging to get it to boil water quickly from my coffee or tea or Miller, whatever, in the morning. It just takes too long and it's burning up this wood, creating all this excess heat, just for you know Something this big that I'm heating up and most of the heat's just going up the chimney. So it's waste of wood. So I'm switching it out for a stove that I learned about.

Speaker 1:

My sister older sister Got us this cook stove. It's very similar one, the bigger model, but the La Nordica stove Cook stove. She had it in her enclosed Sort of an outdoor kitchen but ended up being indoors, but anyway her secondary kitchen in her old house for a lot of food prep and and she's really into homesteading too, so she that's where she'd do all our preserving and stuff like that. So she had that stove so we had the opportunity to get one and Kind of jump that that. So we're gonna take this out.

Speaker 1:

Got a tractor here today. I'm gonna take it off. My truck drove down three hours yesterday, picked it up with my life. So I'm gonna grab this tractor, put it on forks, take it, put it on the porch then slide it in, uncreate it, make sure all the parts are out or there that I need to hook it back up again or to hook it back. Hook it up and then remove this, take it out and Put that one in place and have it fired up for dinner tonight. So what's about to do?

Speaker 1:

Unfortunately this is still raging heat, so it's cool. But also, like in that still Cabin up until I get everything ready Keeps the logs hot and the ceiling hot so that Door open for half the day and no fire going on. That doesn't get too cool in here. Good day to do, it's not cold, but temperatures dropping this afternoon To blow freezing in the afternoon or bar below freezing at night. So I definitely have a Biggest thing is this adapter.

Speaker 1:

It's your European, made in Italy, so the Size is not exactly the same. It's 150 millimeter pipe coming out, flew and, and the standard here Canada, in the US, is six inches. So it's close but not exactly. But then my issue here is that that's a seven inch pipe for that stove Going right up to the peak and out. So so I don't want to Replace that whole chimney, so I have a reducer to go from that size to this side. You know, if I mentioned that it wasn't just the cook top, that's better on that fact that it has an oven. That was the main thing. I wouldn't call it me. Equally Important was the oven. So grills to grill, tops, elements and then the oven is the main difference. The only thing I didn't like smaller window, you know slightly smaller firebox, so Potentially less heat, but heats on an issue in this cabin. That'll ease of now, heat more space than this cabin, but I Think just having the oven and the elements Is worth the offsetting the amount of viewing area and glass area To view the fire. My opinion

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